What's this all about?

A historically impatient person who has gradually learned patience, I've gradually realised that patience is possible by proxy....by filling your time with other things. I'm a keen bonsai grower and also a greedy bastard who loves food.

Following a breakup which left me without a house(and therefore a garden), I had the bright idea of applying for an allotment. I figured I could use part of the land to train young bonsai and the rest to grow yummy vegetables. Here's the rub; I'm 13th in line in Stevenage, and could be waiting years...

So, join me in my nauseating wait to be allocated a plot, and in the meantime share with me the frustrations and joys of researching any and every thing related to allotment growing, ad nauseam, until one day, (provided my grotesquely sedentary lifestyle doesn't catch up with me first) I can actually turn this into an allotment blog.

I now have an allotment! By some miracle, I was given one in just 3 months!

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