Monday, 18 July 2016

Did somebody say sun?

Wow, what a blindingly lovely couple of weeks! I've been very busy clearing the plot of buried wooden planks, digging up weeds, digging up gooseberry bushes, clearing car loads of crap and even got to take down that rather weird structure this weekend.

I did all of this with a tee shirt on, so can confirm I now have a classic farmers tan. Hell yeah!

The ghetto shed is now no more, and the rather odd boxes which comprised it's base have also now been dismantled. I have to say, that I have never seen so many slugs, snail, woodlice and other beasties. It's a fairly decent indicator, that wherever you have rotting/decomposing wood, you have a veritable smorgasbord (yes, I did just use that word) of beasts just waiting for sundown to come and munch on your delicious crops.

A thing to make a mental note of for the future for sure.

So now, I've pretty much dismantled the whole site, bar the two raised beds at the bottom and 85% of it was rotten/rubbish. Some visits to the tip sorted that....

I now want to build a soil sieve. You won't know this (because why would you?) but the soil on my plot is profoundly rocky. Id say that it's almost ten percent rocks and stones. so no other reason than it doesn't make sense to me to NOT deal with it, I've decided I want a soil sifter.

I have a hand sized one, but it's not big enough. This is a 62.5m plot, which means I have to go 1m at a time.

There are plenty of options online but I dont' have many tools so I have to be conservative with my plans.

Historically I'd go for the biggest, all singing all dancing one but then fail at doing it.

This one looks like a great idea but do I have the tools and experience to build it? Probably not but I might still have a go....

I'll post up some pics soon.

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